Life Insurance - G3+

You, like all of us, aspire to have the perfect solution, which addresses the needs for Real Life Assurance in this environment of uncertainty and unpredictability. You can make this possible if you choose the right life insurance policy.

About this product

SICOM G3+...L'Assurance vie qui a tout prévu! With our SICOM G3+, you and your loved ones can benefit from Guaranteed Triple Benefits at a very affordable cost. This policy offers a convenient way to secure mortgages (Housing Loans) as it covers 3 times the Sum Assured.The policy term varies from 10 to 35 years to cater for all our clients' needs.

Highlighted features
  • Maturity Benefits

    1.5 times Sum Assured is guaranteed at Maturity

  • Mortgage Protection

    Secures mortgages up to 3 times Sum Assured

  • Optional Supplementary Benefits

    Total & Permanent Disability, Health Care Cover and Maternity/Surgical Covers

Product Features

Choose SICOM G3+ & benefit from:

  • Type

    Single or Joint Policy

  • Premium Amount

    Minimum Monthly Premium is Rs 1,000

  • Term

    Choose between 10 to 35 years

  • Maturity Benefits

    1.5 times Sum Assured is guaranteed at maturity

  • Death Benefits

    3 times Sum Assured is guaranteed in case of death

  • Total & Permanent Disability (Optional)

    3 times Sum Assured is guaranteed in case of Total and Permanent Disability

  • Healthcare Cover (Optional)

    3 times Sum Assured is guaranteed in case of diagnosis of any one of specific illnesses as listed below

  • Maternity Cover (Optional)

    Cover for Normal Delivery as well as Caesarean & Possibility of claiming from multiple policies

  • Surgical Cover (Optional)

    Possibility of claiming from multiple policies

( Terms and conditions apply)*

Useful Information

Total and Permanent Disability Benefit

3 times Sum Assured is guaranteed in case of total and permanent disability before maturity


Health Care Cover

3 times Sum Assured is guaranteed on diagnosis of any one of the following illnesses before maturity:

  • Heart Attack
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Kidney Failure
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Paraplegia, Quadriplegia, Diplegia, Hemiplegia and Tetraplegia
  • Blindness
  • Major Burns
  • Cardiac Valve Surgery
  • Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
  • Coma
  • Brain Damage


Special Cover for Angioplasty with varying terms of payment. (Please contact us for more details)


Maternity Cover

  • It covers Normal Delivery as well as Caesarean
  • Possibility of claiming from multiple policies
  • Limit per policy: 10 % of Sum Assured
  • Premium for the Maternity Cover ceases after a claim is admitted
  • Cover ceases at age 65 years


Surgical Cover

  • Possibility of claiming from multiple policies
  • Limit per policy: 10 % of Sum Assured
  • Premium for the Surgical Cover ceases after a claim is admitted
  • Cover ceases at age 65 years


Age at entry + term should not exceed 75 years

  • National Identity Card
  • Recent Utility Bill (Less than 3 months old)
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage Certificate (as applicable)
  • Bank details for payment of premium
  • Payment of First Month Deposit

What happens if I cancel my insurance before maturity?

A surrender value is payable to you provided your policy has been in force for at least 2 years and a minimum of 24 monthly premiums have been paid.


Can I stop contributing to my policy without having to surrender it?

This policy can be converted into paid up assurance for a reduced sum assured free of future payment of premiums after 2 years provided that 24 monthly premiums have been paid.


Can I obtain a loan on my insurance policy?

A Policy Loan may be obtained if policy acquired a surrender value (after 2 years)

Highlighted features
  • Maturity Benefits

    1.5 times Sum Assured is guaranteed at Maturity

  • Mortgage Protection

    Secures mortgages up to 3 times Sum Assured

  • Optional Supplementary Benefits

    Total & Permanent Disability, Health Care Cover and Maternity/Surgical Covers


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This product is offered by: State Insurance Company Of Mauritius Ltd


FSC License No: IS10000020