<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="23.954" height="24.299" viewBox="0 0 23.954 24.299"><path id="Union_20" data-name="Union 20" d="M-6740.643-22157.494c.435.027.874.035,1.311.025-.389.006-.78,0-1.166-.025-.017-.01-.034-.023-.052-.035l-.143-.01a1.157,1.157,0,0,1-.467-.584,1.042,1.042,0,0,1-.212-.584,10.073,10.073,0,0,0,1.164.045c3.69-.045,6.607-1.07,6.658-4.275.095-4.23-7.921-8.117-7.142-12.254.539-3,3.825-3.033,4.726-2.953a22.2,22.2,0,0,1,6.157.672,17.025,17.025,0,0,1,4.036,1.119v17.7a28.629,28.629,0,0,1-6.318,1.555h-.095c-.685.1-1.408.193-2.138.244-.295.045-.584.045-.874.1a12.138,12.138,0,0,1-1.508.094A8.153,8.153,0,0,1-6740.643-22157.494Zm-5.25-2.723a20.148,20.148,0,0,1-3.835-1.113v-17.6a29.358,29.358,0,0,1,6.118-1.6h-.095c.679-.1,1.408-.193,2.138-.244.29-.045.579-.045.874-.1a9.4,9.4,0,0,1,5.438.73c-.4-.025-.8-.033-1.2-.027h.042c.388-.006.777,0,1.162.027a1.066,1.066,0,0,1,.584,1.012.441.441,0,0,0,.05.006l-.05,0v0c-.164-.02-.327-.031-.49-.039,0,.014,0,.025,0,.039a7.024,7.024,0,0,0-.782-.047c-.544.01-1.084.043-1.609.1-2.991.334-5.475,1.52-5.475,4.227,0,3.936,7.676,8.217,7.676,12.152,0,2.426-2.413,3.2-5.211,3.2A22.706,22.706,0,0,1-6745.892-22160.217Zm9.959-.873a3.73,3.73,0,0,0,.245-1.314A3.73,3.73,0,0,1-6735.933-22161.09Zm.245-1.314c0-1.8-1.372-3.482-2.975-,5.839,0,0,1-.525-1.545c0,.008,0,.018,0,.025a5.653,5.653,0,0,0,.385,1.244C-6743.1-22173.059-6743.06-22172.967-6743.011-22172.875Zm-.064-1.971a3.178,3.178,0,0,0,.022.371,3.178,3.178,0,0,1-.022-.371Z" transform="translate(6749.728 22180.969)" fill="#219ddd"></path></svg> </span>About SICOM Group
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="27.206" height="27.188" viewBox="0 0 27.206 27.188"><path id="Union_21" data-name="Union 21" d="M12083.827-6016.816a2.018,2.018,0,0,1-2.2-2.194c-.006-1.15-.009-2.3,0-3.445a2.027,2.027,0,0,1,2.146-2.143c.538-.009,1.081-.012,1.621-.012l.786-.006c0-.052,0-.1.006-.158a3.156,3.156,0,0,0-.018-.7.625.625,0,0,0-.689-.522l-10.972,0c-.488,0-.725.246-.743.765-.006.17,0,.34,0,.534v.1H12076a2.1,2.1,0,0,1,2.37,2.358c.007,1.147.01,2.176,0,3.205a2.053,2.053,0,0,1-2.255,2.222l-3.189,0q-1.875,0-3.751-.006a2.038,2.038,0,0,1-2.273-2.246q-.019-1.693,0-3.387a2.029,2.029,0,0,1,2.143-2.146c.334-.006,1.806-.006,1.806-.006h.635v-.553a3.007,3.007,0,0,1,3.123-3.123c.619-.006,2.343-.006,4.225-.006h6.17c2.331,0,3.436,1.083,3.487,3.405l.012.276,2.234,0a2.121,2.121,0,0,1,2.36,2.367v.477c0,.911.007,1.818,0,2.729a2.047,2.047,0,0,1-2.2,2.212l-3.15,0Q12085.784-6016.81,12083.827-6016.816Zm.079-2.292h6.868v-3.168h-6.868Zm-14.717,0h6.862v-3.181h-6.862Zm8.371-10.574a2.2,2.2,0,0,1-1.728-.753,2.228,2.228,0,0,1-.379-1.867l.121-.628c.125-.644.252-1.287.389-1.927a1.981,1.981,0,0,1,1.931-1.685q1.05-.031,2.105-.033c.684,0,1.369.012,2.055.03a1.965,1.965,0,0,1,1.942,1.66c.2.886.386,1.782.547,2.677a2.124,2.124,0,0,1-.4,1.763,2.149,2.149,0,0,1-1.653.759c-.322.009-.646.012-.969.012Zm.14-2.316h4.57l-.07-.358c-.118-.616-.233-1.211-.367-1.8a.274.274,0,0,0-.112-.112c-.707-.009-2.952-.012-2.952-.012h-.613Zm2.272-5.047a2.945,2.945,0,0,1-2.1-.9,2.97,2.97,0,0,1-.847-2.146,2.985,2.985,0,0,1,2.977-2.9,2.973,2.973,0,0,1,2.953,3.014,2.946,2.946,0,0,1-2.956,2.938Zm-.7-3.654a.957.957,0,0,0-.285.692,1.023,1.023,0,0,0,1.011.98,1.033,1.033,0,0,0,1.008-.98,1,1,0,0,0-.978-1H12080A1.024,1.024,0,0,0,12079.271-6040.7Z" transform="translate(-12066.39 6043.499)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="rgba(0,0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"></path></svg> </span>Group Structure
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="27.539" height="22.149" viewBox="0 0 27.539 22.149"><path id="Path_10771" data-name="Path 10771" d="M27.183,8.015l-6.727-6.72a1.1,1.1,0,0,0-.748-.4,1.125,1.125,0,0,0-.758.412l-.791.794c-.449.456-.9.91-1.362,1.349a1.331,1.331,0,0,0-.,0,0,0,.128.5c-.27.094-.518.182-.771.26-.136.043-.275.076-.416.11a5.229,5.229,0,0,0-.954.306s-.031,0-.127-.1a4.2,4.2,0,0,0-2.325-1.2,5.394,5.394,0,0,1-.831-.257l-.052-.018c.294-.564.2-.815-.331-1.348Q9.515,1.5,8.414.407A1.132,1.132,0,0,0,7.654,0a1.091,1.091,0,0,0-.746.4Q3.654,3.725.41,7.055a.94.94,0,0,0,0,1.554q1.071,1.085,2.154,2.157c.321.32.535.532.844.532a1.073,1.073,0,0,0,.576-.216c.,4.55,0,0,0,5.4,14.229a3.123,3.123,0,0,0-.962,2.383A2.466,2.466,0,0,0,5.8,18.2a2.592,2.592,0,0,0,.5,1.979,2.171,2.171,0,0,0,1.7.631c.129,0,.263-.006.405-.019a2.091,2.091,0,0,0,1.872,1.339,3.373,3.373,0,0,0,2.073-.93,3.25,3.25,0,0,0,1.988.945,2.35,2.35,0,0,0,1.819-1.121,2.605,2.605,0,0,0,1.042.238,2.322,2.322,0,0,0,2-1.352,3.448,3.448,0,0,0,.358.019,2.273,2.273,0,0,0,1.792-.782,2.52,2.52,0,0,0,.516-1.937,2.175,2.175,0,0,0,1.1-2.962A.889.889,0,0,1,23,14.043c.142-.478.287-.957.449-1.431.077-.229.168-.453.267-.7a.941.941,0,0,0,.474.138,1.2,1.2,0,0,0,.848-.461c.687-.739,1.407-1.446,2.139-2.145a1,1,0,0,0,.358-.706,1.023,1.023,0,0,0-.356-.728M9.007,3.429,3.443,8.99,2.3,7.833,7.867,2.261Zm8.347,8.832a1.162,1.162,0,0,0-.8-.435.832.832,0,0,0-.593.275.793.793,0,0,0-.247.808,1.424,1.424,0,0,0,.4.587c1.227,1.223,2.453,2.449,3.705,3.705a1.089,1.089,0,0,1,.239.3c.133.4-.066.527-.13.569a.547.547,0,0,1-.279.089.565.565,0,0,1-.389-.186c-.364-.354-.724-.715-1.083-1.077l-1.3-1.3c-.79-.791-1.578-1.584-2.377-2.365a1.42,1.42,0,0,0-.848-.413.879.879,0,0,0-.749.613,1.149,1.149,0,0,0,.274.915c.808.837,1.631,1.656,2.456,2.476l1.624,1.623c.248.249.447.631.194.887a.347.347,0,0,1-.252.107.991.991,0,0,1-.629-.341l-4.091-4.086a.962.962,0,0,0-.679-.319.853.853,0,0,0-.6.263.843.843,0,0,0-.281.6.979.979,0,0,0,.337.7l3.171,3.176c.439.444.222.677.141.763a.386.386,0,0,1-.288.139.764.764,0,0,1-.493-.262l-7.055-6.99a2.858,2.858,0,0,1-.793-1.473,10.261,10.261,0,0,0-.457-1.388c-.049-.129-.1-.26-.147-.39l4.507-4.5.542.159c.575.165,1.141.327,1.7.527a4.207,4.207,0,0,1,.76.411l.013.009L10.3,8.053a4.878,4.878,0,0,0-.5.35,2.1,2.1,0,0,0-.5,2.768,2.046,2.046,0,0,0,1.78,1.07,2.262,2.262,0,0,0,.877-.183c1.438-.6,2.873-1.212,4.294-1.848a.589.589,0,0,1,.207-.058c.034,0,.094,0,.247.155,1.034,1.055,2.081,2.1,3.127,3.143L21,14.615c.,0,0,1-.,0,0,1-.5-.275q-1.563-1.555-3.119-3.119M7.593,18.41c.244-.29.51-.563.789-.85l.147-.152.679.709-.13.111c-.314.269-.629.54-.967.78a.462.462,0,0,1-.262.1.418.418,0,0,1-.309-.164c-.071-.079-.2-.225.053-.529M6.206,16.295c-.083-.275.046-.423.408-.745a.177.177,0,0,1,.028-.026l.653.68a.8.8,0,0,1-.647.383H6.608a.718.718,0,0,1-.4-.293M20.549,11.7c-1.033-1.032-2.07-2.062-3.092-3.105a1.087,1.087,0,0,0-.79-.376,1.332,1.332,0,0,0-.544.133c-1.065.482-2.138.948-3.21,1.414l-1.331.585a1.8,1.8,0,0,1-.219.093.928.928,0,0,1-.243.037.376.376,0,0,1-.372-.239c-.043-.088-.17-.355.2-.59.417-.262.839-.515,1.261-.769l1.229-.75c.46-.288.919-.576,1.4-.826A4.8,4.8,0,0,1,15.658,7c.169-.052.34-.1.5-.165.387-.142,1.547-.587,1.547-.587l4.52,4.519L21.5,12.653c-.012-.014-.954-.952-.954-.952m-9.562,8.271c-.194.271-.3.4-.562.4h-.043a.685.685,0,0,1-.407-.3c-.085-.244.015-.371.325-.667l.088-.087.618.634-.021.027M25.207,8.8l-1.15,1.113L18.472,4.325l1.148-1.1Z" transform="translate(0)" fill="#3e414d"></path></svg> </span>Our Business Lines
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24.997" height="23.819" viewBox="0 0 24.997 23.819"><path id="Union_22" data-name="Union 22" d="M12307.736-5112.18a1.737,1.737,0,0,1-1.735-1.736v-4.4a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,3.2-3.2h3.667c.077,0,.151,0,.227.009a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,2.7-1.476h4.412a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,2.705,1.476c.077-.006.151-.009.226-.009h3.667a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,3.2,3.2v4.4a1.736,1.736,0,0,1-1.732,1.736Zm15.665-2.005h4.6v-4.131a1.2,1.2,0,0,0-1.2-1.2h-3.4Zm-8.8-5.6v5.6h6.8v-5.6a1.2,1.2,0,0,0-1.2-1.2h-4.4A1.2,1.2,0,0,0,12314.6-5119.783Zm-6.6,1.467v4.131h4.6v-5.329h-3.4A1.2,1.2,0,0,0,12308-5118.316Zm9-.733a1,1,0,0,1,1-1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1-1,1A1,1,0,0,1,12317-5119.05Zm3.955-5.255a5.716,5.716,0,0,1-2.955.817,5.731,5.731,0,0,1-2.952-.817,4.646,4.646,0,0,1-4.02,2.29,4.65,4.65,0,0,1-1.782-.353,4.676,4.676,0,0,1-2.525-6.1,4.65,4.65,0,0,1,4.313-2.881,4.629,4.629,0,0,1,1.51.251,5.74,5.74,0,0,1,3.868-3.68A5.8,5.8,0,0,1,12318-5135a5.8,5.8,0,0,1,5.456,3.9,4.646,4.646,0,0,1,1.513-.251,4.64,4.64,0,0,1,4.156,2.547,4.668,4.668,0,0,1-2.036,6.276,4.593,4.593,0,0,1-2.117.51A4.646,4.646,0,0,1,12320.953-5124.3Zm-9.942-5.047a2.667,2.667,0,0,0-2.655,2.677,2.67,2.67,0,0,0,2.668,2.652,2.665,2.665,0,0,0,2.469-1.643,5.775,5.775,0,0,1-1.256-3.395,2.669,2.669,0,0,0-1.217-.291v-.266Zm12.752.291a5.766,5.766,0,0,1-1.256,3.395,2.665,2.665,0,0,0,2.451,1.634,2.668,2.668,0,0,0,2.673-2.655,2.636,2.636,0,0,0-.355-1.325,2.677,2.677,0,0,0-2.312-1.337A2.661,2.661,0,0,0,12323.763-5129.061Zm-9.527-.2a3.768,3.768,0,0,0,3.763,3.766,3.77,3.77,0,0,0,3.77-3.766,3.769,3.769,0,0,0-3.77-3.763A3.767,3.767,0,0,0,12314.235-5129.256Z" transform="translate(-12305.501 5135.499)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="rgba(0,0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"></path></svg> </span>Board of Directors
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24.332" height="29.531" viewBox="0 0 24.332 29.531"><path id="Union_23" data-name="Union 23" d="M12066-6232.77v-7.146c.006-3.074,1.311-4.821,4.229-5.671.859-.249,1.729-.452,2.616-.662l1.586-.382,1.642,3.489.419-2.882h3.362l.249,2.619c.339-.729.679-1.459,1-2.2a1.144,1.144,0,0,1,1.05-.8,1.653,1.653,0,0,1,.452.073c.473.134.952.252,1.432.367a23.336,23.336,0,0,1,2.9.856,4.8,4.8,0,0,1,3.065,4.587c.054,1.663.039,3.323.026,4.985l-.012,2.1-.042.209-.095.355-.392.1Zm7.349-11.648c-.4.115-.81.216-1.22.319a17.831,17.831,0,0,0-1.975.561,3.092,3.092,0,0,0-2.252,2.843c-.061,1.52-.049,3.016-.033,,1.047.012,1.569h2.131v-3.483h1.838v3.474h6.181s-.673-1.311-.719-1.411l-.729-1.578q-1.575-3.395-3.137-6.8l-.01-.106A.3.3,0,0,0,12073.348-6244.418Zm12.687,6.415v3.465h2.114l0-1.468c0-1.5.007-2.974-.009-4.448a2.852,2.852,0,0,0-1.532-2.673,17.556,17.556,0,0,0-2.552-.88c-.446-.127-.9-.258-1.332-.4a.135.135,0,0,0-.061-.019c-.043,0-.07.042-.112.137-.652,1.457-1.323,2.9-1.993,4.351l-2.513,5.4h6.132V-6238Zm-8.077-5.461c-.143.958-.285,1.9-.416,2.849a1.844,1.844,0,0,0-.039.679c.137.376.3.741.473,1.12a6.141,6.141,0,0,0,.289-.673,3.5,3.5,0,0,0,.209-1.125c0-.5-.049-1-.094-1.5l-.2-2.012h-.125Zm-2.949-5.143a9.288,9.288,0,0,1-3.116-8.223,6.1,6.1,0,0,1,6.02-5.17,6.388,6.388,0,0,1,4.977,2.339,6.5,6.5,0,0,1,1.2,5.416,10.322,10.322,0,0,1-2.822,5.434,4.7,4.7,0,0,1-3.258,1.523A4.352,4.352,0,0,1,12075.008-6248.608Zm1.229-1.4a2.736,2.736,0,0,0,1.8.819,2.818,2.818,0,0,0,1.96-.992,8.311,8.311,0,0,0,2.248-4.391,9.97,9.97,0,0,0,.124-1.32c0-.042.007-.088.007-.134-.1.006-.2.009-.3.009a4.137,4.137,0,0,1-2.879-1.092,7.662,7.662,0,0,1-4.722,1.578q-.41,0-.838-.036A8.161,8.161,0,0,0,12076.236-6250.01Zm1.411-10.128a4.345,4.345,0,0,0-3.672,2.731q.311.027.61.027a6.035,6.035,0,0,0,4.47-2.018l.382-.395.334.434c.789,1.032,1.456,1.514,2.1,1.521a4.435,4.435,0,0,0-3.859-2.318A3.61,3.61,0,0,0,12077.647-6260.139Z" transform="translate(-12065.849 6262.151)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="#3e414d" stroke-width="0.3"></path></svg> </span>Management Team
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="26.61" height="23.391" viewBox="0 0 26.61 23.391"><path id="Path_10783" data-name="Path 10783" d="M25.6,8.08V6.33a2.195,2.195,0,0,0-2.439-2.452H17.3V3.74c0-.385.007-.741-.006-1.1A2.526,2.526,0,0,0,14.575,0H11.128A2.557,2.557,0,0,0,8.307,2.818V3.876H2.548C.813,3.878,0,4.692,0,6.44v4.145c0,1.137.095,1.362,1.06,1.726,0,0-.009,6-.006,7.777a2.11,2.11,0,0,0,2.288,2.3l9.419,0,9.419,0A2.128,2.128,0,0,0,24.548,20v-.538c0-2.333,0-4.666-.009-7,0-.135.017-.172.085-.185a1.176,1.176,0,0,0,.983-1.324C25.594,10,25.6,9.038,25.6,8.08M15.584,2.548c.026.378.019.758.013,1.154v.155H10.031l0-.177a10.176,10.176,0,0,1,.022-1.275.712.712,0,0,1,.772-.692q1.04-.019,2.083-.02.911,0,1.82.016a.8.8,0,0,1,.859.838m-.368,10.057a.963.963,0,0,0-.716-.261H11.214a.992.992,0,0,0-.742.273,1.015,1.015,0,0,0-.253.774c0,.,10.745V9.633c0-1.2-.006-2.4.009-3.591,0-.279.078-.425.484-.449l.2-.006H23.057c.794,0,.834.039.834.83v4.326L15.476,13.7v-.356a.994.994,0,0,0-.26-.739m-12.46.3,3.329,1.164c1.344.469,2.689.937,4.039,1.393l.1.169a1.318,1.318,0,0,0,.06.768c.034.069.345.676.837.693.619.022,1.238.029,1.858.029.536,0,1.07-.006,1.6-.011.576,0,.877-.36.9-1.06a2.806,2.806,0,0,1,.043-.551,2.779,2.779,0,0,1,.534-.214s6.752-2.362,6.809-2.379v7.006c0,.719-.053.771-.785.771H3.565a1.312,1.312,0,0,1-.718-.112,1.313,1.313,0,0,1-.111-.721c0-1.973.02-6.946.02-6.946m8.552.645H14.38v2.313H11.309Z" transform="translate(0.5 0.5)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="#3e414d" stroke-width="1"></path></svg> </span>Corporate Governance
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24.497" height="26.506" viewBox="0 0 24.497 26.506"><path id="Union_24" data-name="Union 24" d="M12069.069-6385c-2.151,0-3.07-.78-3.07-2.606v-20.781c0-1.833.919-2.616,3.067-2.616h17.9c2.1,0,3.034.8,3.034,2.579v20.9c0,1.724-.94,2.524-2.961,2.524l-11.977,0Zm-.2-2.018h18.114a3.4,3.4,0,0,0,.625-.036c-.009-.034-.009-.376-.009-.492l0-21.027a1.2,1.2,0,0,0-.037-.419c0,.012-.009.015-.051.015-.062,0-.183-.006-.386-.006h-18.254a1.82,1.82,0,0,0-.47.033h0a3.1,3.1,0,0,1-.01.315q-.009,10.6,0,21.2a1.114,1.114,0,0,0,.04.413c0-.009.006-.009.03-.009C12068.515-6387.024,12068.636-6387.015,12068.872-6387.015Zm5.92-2.946c-1.123,0-2.245,0-3.365-.015a1.63,1.63,0,0,1-1.259-.564,1.109,1.109,0,0,1-.158-1,1.167,1.167,0,0,1,.8-.719,2.71,2.71,0,0,1,.8-.091l12.889-.006.177.006c.9.058,1.353.467,1.341,1.21-.006.44-.194,1.18-1.387,1.18Zm9.755-5.243-13.277-.006c-.822-.021-1.311-.467-1.311-1.189a1.173,1.173,0,0,1,1.332-1.18l13.067,0,.276.521v-.525a1.25,1.25,0,0,1,.674.155,1.4,1.4,0,0,1,.683,1.047,1.464,1.464,0,0,1-.671,1.032,1.018,1.018,0,0,1-.588.155Zm-8.414-4.964c-.664-.516-1.341-1.02-2.015-1.52l-.282-.209a1.147,1.147,0,0,1-.379-1.72,1.111,1.111,0,0,1,.916-.507,1.511,1.511,0,0,1,.9.358l1.568,1.178s3.5-4,3.688-4.218a1.414,1.414,0,0,1,1.064-.592,1.148,1.148,0,0,1,.737.282,1.113,1.113,0,0,1,.44.78,1.538,1.538,0,0,1-.465,1.111c-.582.67-2.5,2.852-2.5,2.852l-.477.537c-.418.473-.834.943-1.234,1.426a1.408,1.408,0,0,1-1.083.589A1.445,1.445,0,0,1,12076.133-6400.168Z" transform="translate(-12065.749 6411.25)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="#3e414d" stroke-width="0.5"></path></svg> </span>Annual Report
Management Team
Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Masters in Business Administration - specialisation in Finance, Manchester Business School
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Member of the International Fiscal Association (Mauritius)
She worked for a leading audit firm prior to joining the Group as Manager (Finance) in 1992. She has since held senior management roles in various business units and has served as Company Secretary, Deputy Group CEO and Chief Finance Officer. During her career, she has gained broad experience in insurance, strategy, finance, investments, financial services, corporate matters and other fields.
Mrs Ramdewar currently serves on the Boards of Directors of SICOM Financial Services Ltd, SICOM General Insurance Ltd, SICOM Global Fund Limited, SICOM Management Limited and National Housing Development Co. Ltd. She is also a past Chairperson of the Private Secondary Schools Authority and has been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.
Chief Officers
Chief Investment Officer
Dev Gopy joined SICOM in 2001 after working for a leading local banking institution. He is responsible for managing the investments of the SICOM Group locally and overseas. He is also responsible for the loans, leasing and collective investment schemes businesses of the Group as well as the operations of SICOM Global Fund Limited and SICOM Management Limited.
He currently serves as Executive Director on the Boards of SICOM Financial Services Ltd and SICOM Management Limited. He is also a Director of Cyber Properties Investments Ltd and has in the past been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and the Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.
Dev is a qualified Stockbroker and holds a Diplôme d’Etude Approfondies in Finance and a Maîtrise in Financial Management from L’Institut d’Administration des Entreprises of the University of Montpellier II, France.
Chief Support Officer
Theresa Lee Shing Po, Attorney-at-Law, had her private practice for many years. She then joined an international accounting and auditing firm to acquire knowledge and experience in different fields. She also worked at the Attorney General's Office and joined SICOM in 2000, where she set up the Legal Department, a recovery unit and a fixed and floating charge unit responsible for the in-house preparation of charges.
She is presently the Chief Support Officer, heading the Legal, Compliance, HR and Corporate Affairs of the Group. She also previously acted as Company Secretary to the State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd, SICOM General Insurance Ltd and SICOM Financial Services Ltd.
Chief Actuarial Officer
Vanisha PURSUN
Vanisha Pursun joined SICOM in December 2020 and oversees the actuarial functions of the Group. She has a wealth of experience in Pensions and Employee Benefits, Life Insurance and General Insurance as well as Risk Management and Investment. Prior to joining the Company, Vanisha has worked in Retirement Benefits Consulting, Insurance Broking and other large scale insurance companies.
Vanisha is a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK and also holds a BA (Hons) in Mathematics from the University of Delhi, India.
Senior Executive Officer - Actuarial
Vasoodevsing J. SEEROO (Rajeev)
Rajeev Seeroo joined SICOM in 1989 and worked at different levels within the actuarial field– Pension Fund Valuations, Pension Consultancy, Life Fund Valuations, Product Pricing and Corporate Projects, among others. In his present position, Rajeev advises Pension clients and is the signatory for Pension Valuation Reports and IAS 19 disclosures.
Rajeev is a Fellow member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK.
Manager – Compliance, Money Laundering Reporting Officer and Data Protection Officer
Yashveen Sunt
Yashveen Sunt joined SICOM in April 2024 after a rich career in the banking and financial services sector and has a wide experience ranging from Operations, Internal Audit, Credit Risk Management, Compliance and Operational Risk Management. He has worked for almost a decade in the Compliance and Risk function. Yashveen is a Fellow Chartered and Certified Accountant.
Senior Executive Officer - Customer Experience
Atma Beeharry joined SICOM in July 2020 after having occupied senior management positions in the Utilities and Financial Services Sectors, both locally and in the region. He possesses a wide experience in various management fields – Technology, Operations, Project and Change as well as Customer Service. His previous experience included leading major projects in Technology Strategy and Business Transformation.
Atma is presently focusing on the intersection of Digital, Strategy and Customer Experience and is applying a multi-disciplinary approach to implement business and customer-centric initiatives to enhance client satisfaction. He is also collaborating with other Business Heads to nurture the necessary capabilities to sustain cultural change that will drive positive customer experience.
Atma holds an MBA from the University of Mauritius, a Master of Information Technology from QUT, Australia and a BTech degree from IIT Delhi.
Senior Executive Officer - Finance
Hans Sooknah joined SICOM in January 2023 after a rich career in various sectors ranging from Banking, Financial Services to Hospitality and Real Estate Development where he held senior positions including that of Chief Financial Officer. Besides his accounting functions, he will be engaged in the strategic orientation of the Group and the identification of business development areas for further value creation to shareholders.
Hans holds a degree in Actuarial Sciences from Cass Business School (UK) and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
Manager - Finance
Keswaree Sandya SEESAHA (Mrs)
Sandhya Seesaha started her career as an auditor in a leading Audit Firm before joining the SICOM Group in 2003. She possesses a broad knowledge of Finance and Accounting and has, over time, acquired an extensive and rich experience in Insurance operations. Sandhya is responsible of the Finance function, including statutory reporting and compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Sandhya holds a MSc in Finance, Accounting and Management, UK from the University of Bradford and a BSc in Accounting from the University of Mauritius. She is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK.
Manager - Human Resources
Ackbaree Aumeerally - Arekion joined SICOM in 2019 as Human Resources Manager with more than twenty years of experience. She is part of the team that is driving change initiatives related to the People Agenda of the Group.
Ackbaree holds a Master’s degree in Human Resources from the University of Mauritius.
Manager - Internal Audit
Khoosraj Soyjaudah has been with the Group for over twenty-five years and enriched his career working in the General Insurance as well as in the Actuarial and Investment Departments before moving to Internal Auditing. Khoosraj possesses a wide knowledge of SICOM’s activities and presently oversees the operations of the Internal Audit Department.
Khoosraj holds an MBA in Finance and Investment and is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK
Senior Executive Officer – Investment
Chandan (Ashwin) PRAYAG
Ashwin Prayag joined SICOM in 2011, pursuant to experience gained in the Investment sector, and as an academic, in Mauritius and South Africa. He assists in the management of the Investment Department and is involved in defining, implementing and monitoring the objectives and strategies of the different Funds managed by the Group, both locally and overseas. Ashwin is currently a director at Ebene Carpark Ltd. and has previously been a director of the National Housing Development Co. Ltd. He has also been a volunteer with the CFA Institute for several years.
Ashwin is a CFA Charterholder and holds a Masters of Business Science in Finance as well as a Bachelors of Business Science (Hons) from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is also a member of the Mauritius Institute of Directors.
Senior Executive Officer - IT
Chemanlall BAGUANT
Chemanlall Baguant joined the Company as Information System Officer in 1998, after having spent 5 years in Software Development and Systems Implementation in both local and overseas firms. He has set up SICOM’s IT Department and is the main architect
behind its core insurance platforms. Among other key projects, he led the implementation of Life Insurance, General Insurance, Group Pension, Deposit Taking, Leasing and Customer Portal applications. He has also supported Business Continuity Management
and improved the resilience of SICOM’s technology ecosystem.
Chemanlall proactively keeps SICOM abreast of technological developments that will maintain its competitive edge. Currently he leads key projects on Security, Digitalization and the updating of core insurance systems. Chemanlall holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Mauritius. He holds a degree in Computer and Information Systems from Victoria University of Manchester (UK) and has a diploma in Actuarial Techniques.
Manager - IT
With over 25 years of expertise in IT and insurance, Jessen Curpanen holds a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering, an MBA, and certifications such as Oracle
Certified Professional.
A seasoned project manager, Jessen has successfully implemented key systems, including the General Insurance Application and Oracle Financials, enhancing operational efficiency. Passionate about innovation and emerging
technologies, he continues to drive impactful digital transformation at SICOM.
Senior Executive Officer - Life
Bobby Cheeneebash joined SICOM in 1991 and has shouldered an array of responsibilities in the Life Department. Some of his key areas of specialisation are Business Development, Product Innovation and Distribution Management and he possesses a rich experience, acquired over more than 25 years, in the business of Life Insurance and Personal Pensions.
Bobby is a Chartered Insurer and is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute, UK (ACII). He holds an MBA from the University of Mauritius.
Manager - Life
Mahesh Dookhee joined SICOM in Dec 2020. Prior to that he worked in the field of reinsurance. He has an extensive experience in operational management as well as B2B marketing to service clients based in Africa and the Middle East regions.
He also worked for five years as a Pricing Actuary to set pricing bases and develop tools for life insurance pricing. At SICOM, he is currently involved in the daily management of the Group Life business and in the development of new products.
Mahesh is a qualified actuary (FIA and CERA) and holds a BSc Hons degree from the London School of Economics.
Deputy Manager - Head Loans
Diploma in Management and Leadership
Nazir Fadarkhan joined SICOM Group in 1989 and has since then occupied various positions in the Loans department. He studied at the University of Leicester UK and currently holds a diploma in Management and Leadership. With his rich and long experience acquired over 31 years, he is responsible and heading the Loans department.
Manager - Group Pensions (Finance & Support)
Mitradev RAMANAH
Mitradev Ramanah started his career with SICOM in 1989 and has held several positions, including Pension Administration, Accounting, Investments, Deposit Taking, Leasing, Unit Trust Management and Fund Administration. He has a solid track record and over twenty years of experience working at management and supervisory levels within the Group.
Mitradev holds an MBA in Finance and Investment from the University of Technology, Mauritius and is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants, UK.
Manager – Group Pensions (Technical)
Neermul Suneechur joined SICOM in 1992. He spent a major part of his career in the Actuarial Department, dealing mainly with pension valuations and RBO calculations. He also actively participated in the establishment of the Enterprise Risk Management
framework for the Group, as well as worked in close collaboration with Consultants for ORSA processes. In his present position, Neermul heads the Technical Unit of the Group Pensions operations.
He is a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK).
Senior Executive Officer - Property, Facilities & Procurement
Mohammad Fayaz BUDALY
Mohammad Fayaz Budaly joined SICOM in 2012 and has contributed to the reorganization of the Facilities Department, with focus on innovation and efficiency. He started his career in an engineering company before moving in the public sector as a Registered Electrical Engineer. He is well acquainted with procurement procedures and advises in this field across the Group. In line with the strategy of diversification, he is committed to the development of one important investment cluster of the Group, which is Property Management.
Mohammad Fayaz holds an MBA and a B.Eng (Hons) from the University of Mauritius as well as CDipAF delivered by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Senior Executive Officer - Risk & Support Services
Pritty Appadoo joined SICOM in January 2002 and, over the years has cumulated several functions within the company. She has a comprehensive overall knowledge of all activities of the Group and was involved in various strategic projects. She is currently in charge of the Risk Management Function for the Group. Prior to joining SICOM, Pritty has worked for another leading insurance group and was also an External Auditor in one of the Big Four Accountancy Firms.
Pritty holds an MBA from the University of Surrey, UK and is a Fellow member of the Association of Certified Accountants, UK.
Deputy Manager - Strategy
Tanusha Choollun
Tanusha Choollun joined SICOM in 2017, bringing with her a diverse background that includes roles in an aviation company and advisory services at one of the Big 4 accounting firms. Her career has spanned various domains, including Finance and Accounting, Corporate Affairs, Sustainability, and Strategic Planning.
At SICOM, her primary role involves overseeing the implementation of the Group’s strategic initiatives. Tanusha holds an MSc in International Business Management from the University of Mauritius and a BA in Finance, Accounting and Management from the University of Nottingham. She is also a Fellow member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants.
Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Masters in Business Administration - specialisation in Finance, Manchester Business School
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Member of the International Fiscal Association (Mauritius)
Nandita Ramdewar took up the position of Group CEO in May 2021 after acting as Officer-in-Charge since August 2019. She was appointed to the SICOM Board in 2013.
She worked for a leading audit firm prior to joining the Group as Manager (Finance) in 1992. She has since held senior management roles in various business units and has served as Company Secretary, Deputy Group CEO and Chief Finance Officer. During her career, she has gained broad experience in insurance, strategy, finance, investments, financial services, corporate matters and other fields.
Mrs Ramdewar currently serves on the Boards of Directors of SICOM Financial Services Ltd, SICOM General Insurance Ltd, SICOM Global Fund Limited, SICOM Management Limited and National Housing Development Co. Ltd. She is also a past Chairperson of the Private Secondary Schools Authority and has been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.
Surendranath ANCHARAZ (Kiran)
Kiran Ancharaz joined SICOM General Insurance Ltd in 2019 after
gaining more than nineteen years of experience in the Insurance sector.
He has a sound knowledge of General Insurance products, Underwriting,
Claims and Marketing, among others. Kiran is well acquainted with most
forms of distribution for insurance companies, while driving top line
growth and profitability.
In his present post, Kiran is responsible for the management of the
overall General Insurance Business operations of SICOM General Insurance
Kiran holds an Executive MBA from IIELM, India and a degree in Economics from Delhi University, India.
Deputy Manager - Reinsurance & Special Risk
Chartered Insurance Practitioner (UK)
Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (UK)
Bachelor’s Degree in Actuarial Science, University of Cape Town (RSA)
Irshad Choolun joined SICOM in 2018 after having worked for leading insurance groups in Mauritius and Sub Saharan Africa. At SICOM General Insurance Ltd he is responsible for the administration and development of the Accident and Health, Liability, Miscellaneous and Specialist classes of business. He also oversees the Reinsurance, Statistics and Actuarial functions of the company.
Deputy Manager - Finance & Support
Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from University of Mauritius
Member of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Neeta Subnauth joined SICOM in 2018 after having worked for a leading management company in Mauritius. At SICOM General Insurance Ltd, she is responsible of the finance function including statutory reporting and compliance with International Financial Reporting standards. She also provides support in coordinating the non-insurance functions of the Company.
Manager (Motor, Personal lines & Business Development)
Ashley Kumar MOTI
During his 39 years dedicated to the SICOM Group, Ashley Moti has occupied several posts at supervisory, technical and managerial positions. He has managed the SICOM Customer Care and Marketing Departments for over 8 years handling Life, Personal Pensions, Property, Motor along with Investment products.
Ashley is currently in charge of the Motor and Personal Lines and also engages in Business Development.
Manager - Property & Casualty (P&C) - Commercial and Health
With more than 20 years’ experience in the Insurance Industry, Ashvin Sookenram started his career as a Reinsurance Broker for a leading South African Firm based in Mauritius before joining SICOM in 2002. He has assumed several responsibilities within General Insurances in SICOM. He currently oversees Property, Engineering, Liability, Transportation and Accident and Medical Insurance classes.
Ashvin holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with Honours Degree from
University of Delhi, and a MSc in Insurance and Risk Management from
City University Business School, London.
Moorganaden CHADIEN (Ruben)
Ruben Chadien joined SICOM in 1994 and has gathered knowledge and experience working in different departments of the company. He moved to SICOM Financial Services Ltd upon its setting up in 2000 and has, through time, gained a rich experience in Deposit Taking, Leasing, Loans and Collective Investment Scheme administration. He is today responsible for the day-to-day operations of SICOM Financial Services Ltd and manages the Loan portfolio of the Group.
Ruben holds an MBA from the University of Surrey, UK and is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
BSc (Hons), MBA
Ameerah Kasenally-Boodoo joined the State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd in 2003 where she worked in
Investment Department before moving to SICOM Financial Services Ltd in
2008. She is actively assisting in the running of the Company’s