Are you planning to invest in sustainable initiatives such as solar energy, rain water harvesting o...
- Variable Interest rate of 5.90% p.a
- Immovable property to be given as security
Wishing to acquire or build your dream home or renovate your exisiting house to provide maximum com...
- Fixed interest rate of 2% p.a for 1st year (Term as from 10 years)
- Immovable property to be given as security
You have some relatively small personal projects to complete and in need of financing to start the ...
- Fixed interest rate of 2% p.a for 1st year (Term as from 10 years)
- Immovable property to be given as security
.Are you a civil servant, an employee of parastatal bodies, state-owned companies, public entities ...
Worried about the financing of your children or your own studies? Our Educational Loan is what you ...
- Fixed interest rate of 2% p.a for 1st year (Term as from 10 years).
- Moratorium of maximum of 5 years
SICOM Professional Loan is tailored for individual professionals for the purchase of office equipme...
- A variable rate of 6.25% p.a
- Commercial property as security
Do you have a fixed deposit that you wish to use as security for the obtention of a loan?
- A variable interest rate of 6.25% per annum
- Deposit will act as the security