Car Lease

Thinking of buying a motor vehicle? SICOM Car Lease is brought to you at a competitive rate, with various features to choose from.

About this product

Get the car of your dreams with SICOM Car Lease at an interest rate as from 8.25% p.a to 9.75% p.a (fixed)

Ecolease - Special offer for Hybrid & Electric Cars at an interest rate starting as from 6.75% p.a to 7.75% p.a (fixed) and opt for safer and simpler car insurance with SICOM. Offer subject to conditions.

Highlighted features
  • Interest Rate

    Fixed rate as from 6.75% p.a for Hybrid & Electric Cars and as from 8.25% p.a for other cars

  • Financing

    Up to 100% financing (Excl. VAT)

  • Term

    Up to 8 years repayment for new vehicles and 7 years for second hand/reconditioned vehicles

Product Features

Choose SICOM Car Lease & benefit from:

  • Interest Rate

    Fixed interest rate as from 6.75% p.a to 7.75% p.a for Hybrid & Electric Cars and as from 8.25% p.a to 9.75% p.a (fixed) for other cars

  • Financing

    Up to 100% financing (Excl. VAT)

  • Term

    Up to 8 years repayment for new vehicles and 7 years for second hand/reconditioned vehicles

  • Security

    The vehicle is the security, no additional guarantee required

  • Lease Amount

    Lease Amount covers the cost of the assets and financing costs. Finance Leases are exclusive of VAT; VAT is payable up-front upon acquisition of your vehicle

  • Acquiring the asset

    Option to acquire the leased asset at maturity, upon payment of the residual value (normally equivalent to 1% of the value of the contract)

( Terms and conditions apply)*

Useful Information

Individuals & Corporate


  • National Identity Card
  • A recent utility bill (Not Less than 3 months old)
  • Payslips for the last 3 months
  • Quotation from supplier
  • A recent bank statement or a bank reference (Not Less than 6 months old)



  • Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
  • National Identity Card of Company Directors
  • A recent utility bill of the Company (Not Less than 3 months old)
  • Quotation from supplier
  • Financial Statements of the company for the last 2 years

How to apply for a Lease?
Applications can be made by Clicking here. Once you have completed the application form, it must be duly signed and returned with all the relevant documents.   Please ensure that you have submitted all the relevant documents to enable us to proceed rapidly with your application.

Type of Lease
Finance Lease - A Finance Lease is an agreement stipulating that the lessee has to pay regular instalments to the less or over a pre-determined time period. It allows the lessee to make full use of the asset and disclose the assets in its books. The lessee has the option to acquire the vehicle at the end of the lease period by paying the residual value.

Do I need a security?
The leased asset is our 'security'.

What is the maximum amount I can get?
We can finance up to 100% of the Ex-VAT cost of the asset depending on your repayment capacity and the risk related to the asset financed.

What are your interest rates?
The interest rate is determined by the asset financed, risk related to the asset, your credit history, stability and ability to service the loan. Once you have submitted your application, we can assess it and provide you before you are committed to proceeding with the loan.

Can I settle the loan early?
Yes. You can repay your loan early.
If you want to settle your loan, you must repay the whole amount due. You must contact us to calculate the exact amount due as you pay interest up to the day you settle your account. There are other charges involved if you wish an early settlement. Consult your lease agreement for further details.

Highlighted features
  • Interest Rate

    Fixed rate as from 6.75% p.a for Hybrid & Electric Cars and as from 8.25% p.a for other cars

  • Financing

    Up to 100% financing (Excl. VAT)

  • Term

    Up to 8 years repayment for new vehicles and 7 years for second hand/reconditioned vehicles

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This product is offered by: SICOM Financial Services Ltd


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